Testimonials from guests

A journey in my own body

I felt warmly welcomed when I arrived and felt like I was entering a safe space. It was good to have a conversation before the massage, and I found it easy to talk to you and open up to you. However, it is not always easy for me to meet new people for the first time. It was good to get some guidance on what to expect for the first time.

I also liked spending a few minutes alone in the room before you came in. The lighting was dim and comfortable. Although I am not afraid of my own body in bright light, I think it is very good that the lighting is muted to avoid being too aware of the body from the outside. It also helps to focus when the eyes are closed. It was good to lie on the cushion and have enough space. Some might want a pillow under their head when lying on their back, but I did not need it. The music was comfortable.

The massage was well-structured and never too intense. I felt like I was going on a journey in my own body, which you led me through. I found out how my body awakened through touch and how various feelings of pleasure, desires, and gratitude for my body accompanied it. It was only at one point that I experienced some discomfort due to the energy. It felt like something was released but could not flow well enough. It was around my head, and I felt pressure in my head when you were there, which did not immediately disappear. It decreased slightly in relaxation after the massage, but it was not completely gone until the next day. I have experienced this kind of pressure in my head before, in a different type of energy work, and I just wanted you to know about it. I found the massage as a whole to be an amazing experience, and I look forward to coming back.

After the massage, I actually didn't feel like coming back, but you helped me with great care, and it was good to have a moment to land on the ground after this journey.

Thank you for this experience.

KG, 37


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